Forum Rules

1 Thai Royal Family
  Posters that indicate open disrespect for the Thai Royal Family will be banned immediately.
2 Privacy
  Please consider the privacy of the person in your posts. Do not post messages that may violate their privacy or cause damage to that person's personal life. If you are recommending a person in an establishment, then do not reveal full details (all the details of your encounter) of that person. If you are revealing the juicy details in your field report, then just change the person's name.
3 Outting
  No poster should post personal information about any other member on this forum, violators will be banned.
4 Spamming
  No poster should post the same message over several forums (this is considered as spamming), just pick an appropriate forum and post it there. Violators will be banned immediately.
5 No flames/fights allowed
  A healthy discussion/debate between members is encouraged. However, flames, fights, abusive language, will no longer be tolerated.Violators will be banned. Additionally, users found to be stirring up trouble amongst other members will be banned as well.
6 Topic of discussions

This forum is primarily about entertainment, nightlife and living in Bangkok or Thailand. If you are creating any topics that are not at all related to Thailand or any of the countries' field reports, post them in the Z-Area.

Other unrelated topics or topics that are criminal in nature, are not welcome here, go check out other forums on the internet that deal with it.

If you cannot find an appropriate forum to make your post, you are probably in the wrong forum. Seek elsewhere. Google is a good start.

7 Paedophilia
  Additionally, this board will not tolerate discussions on paedophilia. If that is your interest, this forum is not for you. Go elsewhere!
8 Other unacceptable topics
  • Incest
  • Rape
  • Drug use and/or sale
  • Bestiality
  • Blatantly criminal activities
  • Racist taunts/racially derogatory terms

Use of the above topics/terminology will result in immediate deletion of the offending topic and/or terminology, and possible subsequent disciplinary action, up to and including a ban.
9 Creating a New Thread
  Users should use the Search Function or look through the topics from the full topic listings, before creating a new thread. Lazy new users will be shut up for 4 weeks for each violation. Repeat violators will be banned. BKK Field Reports are for Field Reports (FRs) only, any non-FR threads created will result in the poster being banned.
10 Posting style
  Do not post using UPPERCASE only. This is considered as SHOUTING. Nobody appreciates it. You will be warned only once and banned if you repeat it.
11 Insulting a member's spouse
  Anyone who insults a member's spouse directly will be banned.
12 Self Promotion
  Self promotion is allowed via the use of signatures. If you have an announcement of an event, post them here, in the News Section. If you'd like to promote your services, post them in the Classifieds section. It's here for that reason.

If you find the rules boring fine or if you can't live with the rules, just leave! Seek life elsewhere!

The administrator/moderator reserves the right to move/delete any thread if it is deemed inappropriate.